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Jessica Carleo

Finding Strength in Community: How God Uses Small Groups to Sustain Us

Balancing Life: How Do We Do It All?

I get asked a lot, “How do you do all that you do for the church and your family?” The honest answer: I don’t really know. My life, like many of yours, is packed. I’m married to Jessica, my beautiful bride of almost 19 years, and we have four amazing children. Between our kids' extracurriculars, weekly doctor appointments, and our full-time jobs, life is a whirlwind. Add to that my pastoral duties—sermon writing, event planning, visitation, and counseling—and it can feel like a 24/7 commitment.

It’s no surprise that 40% of pastors are at high risk of burnout, and over 40% have considered quitting in the past year. But this isn’t just a clergy issue—many of us feel overwhelmed by the pressures of modern life. Whether you’re working a demanding job, raising kids, or taking care of loved ones, life can feel like an impossible balancing act. We try to fight through, thinking we can manage by just working harder. But deep down, we know that’s not the solution.

Leaning on Support: The Power of Small Groups

So, what’s the answer? For me, it’s the support of my family, my church, and most importantly, my small group. Our small group has been a source of strength, especially during tough times, providing prayer, love, and support when we needed it most.

Fifteen years ago, while living in Georgia, Jessica and I were parents to two young children, Dominic and Angelina, and expecting our third, Giovanni. At 22 weeks, a complication led to a devastating loss, and our world felt like it had collapsed. It was our small group that rallied around us, offering prayers, meals, and compassion. Through them, we experienced the presence of God, reminding us that even in our darkest hours, we weren’t alone.

Jesus' Model of Community

Jesus Himself modeled the importance of community. In Mark 3:13-19, He called twelve disciples to walk alongside Him. These twelve were from different backgrounds—fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot—but Jesus brought them together for a common purpose. Jesus, who could have done His ministry alone, chose community because He knew it was essential for growth and support.

This shows us that we are not meant to carry life’s burdens alone. From the beginning, God designed us for relationships. Jesus' final prayer was for unity among His followers, knowing that togetherness not only strengthens us but also amplifies the Gospel’s impact on the world.

The Power of Thinking Small

When the weight of life feels overwhelming, take a moment to step back. Think small. Connect with the people God has placed around you. Find a small group where you can be supported, prayed for, and lifted up. God often answers our prayers through the people He surrounds us with—offering encouragement and strength during our hardest days.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in the midst of life’s busyness and stress, we seek Your guidance. Thank You for the gift of community, for friends, family, and small groups that carry us through difficult times. Help us to lean on one another and, most importantly, on You. Guide us to be a source of support for those around us, and give us the wisdom to seek help when we need it. May Your love bind us together in unity, so that we may better serve You and each other. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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